· Sanititation with ozonated water · Agro-Operadora de Silos y Bodegas We take care of every mexican grain
Sanitation with ozonated water

The ozonation for plagues control is a totally organic technolgy in which one substitutes the chemical agents such as: methyl bromide, phosphines, insecticides and others that because of their damaging properties for consumers’ health and having some highly excesive costs for producers; new, efficient, and cheaper alternatives have been developed for a better outcome. It has been also proved that ozone is efficient on taking out odors, fungi, and bacteria but with smaller portions than those used against insects.


Ozone also avoids the developement of fungi like Fusarium spp. and Aspergillus spp., mycotoxine promoter microorganisms.


Advantages on using ozoned water:


· Applied on sanitization of:

· Silos and warehouses

· Bulk cargo facilities

· Elevators

· Transporters

· Dryers


· To avoid haverst losses

· Highly effective

· There is not encrease on temperature

· No waste

· Added value – fast and economic



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Operadora de Granos Almacenados S.A. de C.V. 2013

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